Pick-up & Drop-off

School Hours

First Bell - 8:30 AM
Late Bell - 8:40 AM
Dismissal - 3:10 PM (Kindergarten at 3:05 PM) 
Early Dismissal - 12:45 PM


For inclement weather days, doors will open at 8:20 AM.  Delayed school starts at 10:30 AM for elementary schools.

Emergency Delays or School Closings

The best way to find out about emergencies is to sign up for the Blackboard Alert System at https://tenafly.parentlink.net/.   You will receive a message specific to Maugham sent directly to your home phone, cell phone and/or email.
Click here for instructions on how to sign up for the Blackboard Alert System

If there is an emergency closing due to weather conditions, announcements will also be made on the following:

Tenafly Schools Announcement Line:     (201) 816-7729 and CableVision Channel 77
Tenafly Public Schools Website:     https://www.tenaflyschools.org
Radio Stations:     1010 WINS-AM and 880 WCBS-AM

Parking & Drop-off Map

Maugham School Parking and Drop-off map



Walking to School

If you live close enough to do so, please walk to school.  The HSA encourages all families to walk to school on Walk On Wednesdays (WOW) as we endeavor to teach our children the values of environmental awareness and physical fitness.


Drive-up & Drop-off

Alternatively, there is a drive-up drop-off/pick-up zone along the front of the school on Magnolia Avenue.  This zone runs southwest along the school building on the western side of Magnolia Avenue, from a point 330 feet south of Prospect Terrace and ending at a point located 150 feet north of Sisson Terrace. 

As you drive up, stay as close to the school-side curb as possible and make sure to drop your child(ren) off south of the school driveway and move on.  The school asks that you stay in your car; if you cannot be efficient in saying goodbye, say, five seconds per car, or if your child(ren) need(s) help getting out of the car, then it may be best to park your car and walk your child(ren) up to the school.  



You may park your car near the school and walk your child(ren) to the appropriate door.

NO PARKING is allowed in this area from 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM and from 2:30 PM to 4 PM on school days only.  The school parking lot is for staff only and please do not block the school’s or the neighbors’ driveways at any time. There is some parking available on the opposite side of the street from the school and on side streets.


Where do(es) my child(ren) wait before the school doors open?

At the end of August, you may go on the GENESIS Parent Portal to find out your child(ren)’s class assignment.  On the Maugham School website you will be able to view the door assignments for classes, forms to be filled out, etc. At 8:30 AM, the doors will open and the teachers will welcome their classes and walk them to their respective rooms. 


Where do(es) my child(ren) go if we’re late?

Any child who arrives after 8:40 AM (Late Bell) should go to the front entrance of the school and ring the doorbell.  S/he will be admitted by the office, given a late pass, and sent to class.


Can I walk my child into his/her classroom?

Parents are more than welcome to escort their child(ren) to their designated doors and wait with them until their teachers come to get them.  However, the school asks that you say your goodbyes outside of the school building.  Parents will not be permitted to escort their children into classrooms and help them get settled for the day.  The teachers are very aware of separation anxiety, especially with our little ones, and they take extra care in ensuring a smooth transition.


What can I do to make drop-off and pick-up a more pleasant experience for everyone?

Be courteous and respectful of the school’s neighbors.  If you are going to be idling for more than 1 minute, please turn off your engine. Ten seconds of idling uses more fuel than turning off the engine and restarting it.  Be nice to the crossing guards—they’re here to keep our children safe.


All children (except for Kindergartners) will be dismissed at 3:10 PM.  Kindergartners will be dismissed at 3:05pm.

Parents who choose to pick up from the curb must wait in their cars for their child(ren) to arrive. PLEASE DO NOT park your car in front of the school and leave it unoccupied—you will be ticketed.  Also, PLEASE DO NOT block the school’s or the neighbors’ driveways at any time. As always, you are encouraged to park away from the school and walk to pick up your child(ren), especially those in K or 1st grade.  With older children, plan your meeting point carefully.


Alternative Pick-up Arrangements

If your child will be picked up by a person other than a parent or approved pick-up guardian, you must contact the school secretary prior to pick-up.


Ms. Pamela Walsh
201-816-4500 x7706


What if my child(ren) is(are) enrolled in an after school club or the School-Age Child Care Program (SACC)?

All after school clubs let out at 4:15 PM and the children are dismissed from the front of the school.  If your child goes directly from an after school club to SACC, s/he will be escorted within the school from the club to SACC.  Parents picking up children from SACC must go to a designated SACC door and ring the bell for entrance to the building.  The SACC doors will either be the door at the rear of the building facing the swings or at the side by the gym. DO NOT come to the front door for SACC.


What about early dismissal or delayed opening days?

All of the same drop-off and pick-up guidelines listed above apply.

Bus Transportation

While Tenafly Public Schools does not recommend or endorse any particular private bus company to use, Rainbow Transportation Inc. (201) 374-1222 does provide private bus service for parents who cannot bring their children to or pick them up from school.  Drop-off at local after school classes may also be available.