We're so glad you're here.
The HSA website is a great resource for getting connected and becoming informed about your child's education at Maugham School. The site is updated regularly with the latest news and events.
Sign-up for our bi-weekly newsletter by registering as an HSA member! It includes the most important information and timely reminders sent directly to your inbox.
You will be guided to complete the following:
Step 1: Add your Family Information
This information will be used for HSA and Class Parent communications with you
as well as the Maugham Directory (if you give us permission to publish it).
Step 2: Choose your Publication Preferences
You are able to choose which information is included in the Directory. Some families
include the email, phone and house address of all parents/guardians while others
include one parent/guardian email and nothing else.
Step 3: Pay your HSA Dues
Membership and paying dues do not create any volunteer obligations or other commitments on your behalf. Membership and dues support all of the extra programming and events that the HSA provides for the Maugham community.
Parents love the added convenience of accessing the directory, calendar and sales/registrations from our app through Membership Toolkit.
The Membership Toolkit App is available free in the Apple Store / Google Play.
Download it one time for all of the organizations that you are affiliated with that are using Membership Toolkit. If you belong to other organizations that are using Membership Toolkit, when you log in to the app you will see all those organizations presented and you can toggle between them.